на финифти, керамике, эмали

ручная роспись, а так-же подписная деколь               8 926 237 53 72
финифть, стеклянная или фарфоровая основа, керамические краски обжиг 780-840г С, не акрил
гарантия стойкости изображения к выцветанию 100% не токсично, экологически чисто, 
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first application of painted enamels

In the early 17th century, in France in Limoges, jewelers began to use in their work with hand-painted enamel. Applying enamel paints and as using Fist painted for artists - emalerov appeared more easy and fast way to decorate their products. In compositional terms, along with ornamental, began to play a greater role narrative compositions. The technique of hand-painted enamel paints as use the same enamel used in other techniques, the only difference - enamel paints are ground into a finer powder mass. Hand-painted enamel technique can be divided into two methods. In the first method, enamel paint, according to the picture and color conceived master brush applied directly to the metal surface of the substrate, which were made ​​of gold and silver high grade, same paint was prepared from transparent colored enamels, and after painting and firing, glow of precious metals from under-transparent layer of enamel work gave a sophisticated look. The paper also used deaf enamel and transparent fondon, the latter usually used as a covering layer, which protects the painting from damage. In the second method, the artist - enameller makes painting on transparent background or deaf emaleevomu laid onto a metal substrate. This method is also used in the notched and cloisonne. Cells filled with monochrome enamel artists doing subscription emaleevymi color inks in larger cells depicted floral and narrative compositions. The latest and most interesting technique in the field of art enamels, is the technique of painting on enamel or enamel.

In old Russia all kinds of enamel called enamel and only in the late nineteenth century, the word "enamel" was to come into use artists - emalerov. This notion of "enamel" and has undergone a transformation in the modern sense, any work done in the art of painting on enamel, called enamel. A distinctive feature of this technique is the use of pictorial material as refractory coatings based on smooth and clean metal oxides.Fused crushed pieces paints, and then triturated with essential oils. But the most major advantage of this technique can be considered an opportunity to create a complete miniature scenic emaleevomu work on the background where picturesque plate is not only part of the decor products, but framed in a frame can is completely independent work of miniature art.Manufacturing process finiftyannogo works quite complex and involves several stages of preparation of metal emaleevoy bases and technological chain of the painting itself. In this technique, except law enforcement figure, linear and aerial perspective, it is very important to observe the manufacturing process, at all stages, as errors in the work, not be corrected under an hour and almost ready to be sent in miniature marriage.

Russian socialite miniature enamel appeared in Russia at the turn of 17-18 centuries and its appearance is associated with the time of the reign of Peter the Great. In increasingly showing himself in the genre of portrait miniatures, by the end of the 18th century quickly reached its heyday.However, in the 19th century, with the invention of photography, there is a gradual decline in popularity for this kind emaleevoy miniatures, putting it on the brink of extinction. Simultaneously with the secular miniature painting on enamel in Russia was developed finiftyannaya miniature icons.Center, where the second half of the 18th century iconography enamel gets the most flourishing, becoming the city of Rostov. At a time when the secular direction of enamel is in decline and no longer plays a decisive role in the development of finiftyannogo case finiftyannaya miniature church, on the contrary, thanks Simplified scene drawing and lower prices for the product, is gaining popularity in the general population. Drobnitsy salaries for decoration icons, religious books, various church utensils, small wearable scapular, manufactured by master finiftyanschikami in large quantities. And paradoxically as it sounds, but the decline in the quality level of icon painting enamel saved finiftyannoe business in Russia, while maintaining high skills not only letters but also artists, curators finiftyannogo case.

This finiftyannaya miniature, performed in true traditions of classical painting techniques, always belonged to the elite arts, valued very expensive and was on a par with precious stones and metals. And today, as in the past, not everyone can afford to have in their collections of original works of art finiftyannogo, but despite this enamel has retained its popularity and today, interest in this type of arts and crafts, is growing steadily. Is a revival of forgotten traditions of classical letters. This is evident not only in the subject compositions that use artists in their works but also in technical execution, finding and reviving the long-lost techniques of painting on enamel.

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